Hey Dave – Hope all is well in Comedy Land—a strange, twisted, but always entertaining place! I wanted to reach out for some advice. I’m really interested in performing at [Comedy Club] and doing a guest set so the booker can see my material. What’s the best way to get in front of him? I just want to make sure he knows who I am. I have some video clips I can send, but I’d love to hear your take on the most effective approach. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks – JW

Comedy Land!
Hey JW – First off, fantastic job describing Comedy Land! You didn’t just outline a place—you brought its inhabitants to life. It’s clear we all share a lot in common.
You mentioned a well-known comedy club, but my suggestion applies universally to most clubs.
I’ve been fortunate to work with three major comedy clubs throughout my career. In fact, I’ll proudly say I’m the only person in comedy history to have managed and booked talent for The New York Improv, served as the talent coordinator for The Hollywood Improv, and managed The Cleveland Improv. That’s coast to coast to coast—from the Atlantic to the Pacific to Lake Erie.
And since the NYC Improv no longer exists, I’ll hold that record forever. Looks like my spot in Comedy Land is permanent – ha!
Over the years, I’ve been involved in auditions, showcases, and guest sets at all three clubs. Based on that experience, there are several ways comedians can get noticed by club bookers: contests, workshops, pre-scheduled audition showcases, and email submissions are standard approaches.

La La Land!
There’s also a reason comedians have always hung out at comedy clubs—it’s an opportunity to meet bookers in person. Whether it’s to ask for a showcase or simply be available as “stand-by” talent, networking in this setting has been a tried-and-true method since the dawn of stand-up.
At the NYC Improv, this presented a great chance for newer comedians.
We’d pre-schedule performers until midnight, but if the audience wanted more, the show would continue until 4 a.m. Those late hours provided valuable stage time for newer comics who hadn’t received earlier spots. As the manager, I’d often go through the bar area and invite comedians hanging out to perform short sets.
In Los Angeles, while comedians still frequented clubs, we relied more on video submissions and promo packages (now digital) to find talent for showcases. Back then, there was also a New Faces Workshop at the Santa Monica Improv, which helped new comedians improve their craft and provided opportunities for Monday evening showcases. This could lead to more substantial roles at the Melrose Avenue club.
Focus is on group comedy writing & discussions about the comedy / entertainment business
Next round of workshops meet Mondays – February 17, 24, March 3 and 1o, 2025
Space is limited. For details, reviews, photos and to register visit:
For regional clubs like The Cleveland Improv, local comedians often fill opening and MC spots. To break in, it’s crucial to attend showcases or workshops to be seen in person. While YouTube submissions and email pitches can be effective, being there in person gives you an edge.
So, what’s the best way to get noticed by a comedy club booker?
Get a referral from a comedian who already works at the club.
As I’ve said before, that’s your Golden Ticket.
If you’ve worked with a headliner or feature act who regularly performs at a club you’re targeting—and they genuinely like your act—ask them to refer you to the club booker or manager (sometimes they’re different people).
Ask if they’d be willing to request a guest set for you, which serves as an audition. This is the single best way to get seen. You bypass the uncertainty of email submissions, long open-mic audition nights, or waiting endlessly to pull a lucky lottery number for a spot. A referral is your “in.”
Networking with your fellow comedians is key. However, this doesn’t mean brown-nosing or pestering them. Comedians and bookers deal with enough of that. Instead, focus on honing your craft and gaining enough experience to be genuinely ready for top-tier clubs like The Improv or The Funny Bone.
Remember, you can’t fast-track your way into the big leagues just because you know the right people.
Even if a referring comic is your close friend, they won’t risk their reputation by vouching for someone who isn’t ready. Most working comedians have spent years building their careers, and they’re not going to jeopardize it for someone unprepared.
That’s why experience and stage time are invaluable. They’ll not only sharpen your skills but also connect you with comedians working the clubs you want to play. For example, I visited your website and noticed you have two upcoming shows this month featuring performers who are regulars at The Improv. One of them even works at the Hollywood Improv.
If you deliver outstanding sets and the comics are impressed, this is your chance to ask for a referral. They may say yes or no, but you shouldn’t let the opportunity slip by.
In summary:
Personal references can open doors. In Comedy Land, talent, experience, and networking are the keys to getting that Golden Ticket. Keep working, stay prepared, and seize opportunities as they come.
Thanks for reading – and keep laughing!
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For comments, questions about workshops and coaching please email – Dave@TheComedyBook.com